Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Berlin Wall

Sometimes history comes to you.

I love history.  I love seeing what once was.  I love learning about the human experience that is woven into the fabric of events that mankind set apart as meaningful.

On this day, I had the opportunity to photograph literally a piece of history:  The Berlin Wall.

Some days, news photographer’s day blazes by and they glance at the words of their assignment sheet.  I must confess this was the case today.  I think I picked up the words, “park”, and “dedication ceremony”, and something about a “wall”.  While I was at first humbled by the fact that yes, I was shooting a park dedication ceremony, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that its centerpiece was an actual chunk of the Berlin Wall made into a memorial.

American Flags graced Ronald Reagan Park in San Bernardio

It was a perfect scene for me:  American flags everywhere and lots of people, which meant lots of faces.

The City of San Bernardino had purchased the last piece of The Wall available by public auction.  Today the City, and members of the City of Berlin and the Ronald Reagan Library were dedicating Ronald Reagan Park and the section of The Wall.

My friends know I often don’t live in the current era mentally or especially musically.  I typically choose to romp around in my fond memories of growing up in the ‘70’s.  But, as I began shooting today, I was suddenly whisked to the Reagan era.
City of Berlin representative Anke Otto-Wolf, stands at center.
The sign reads, "Attention!  You are leaving West Berlin"

I remember watching on TV Reagan defeat Carter on election night 1980.  I remember him being shot in 1981.  I visited the White House in my only trip to Washington D.C.  in 1982.  I remember not understanding all the policies and politics at the time, but laughing and smiling at the president's jokes.  I remember Reagan coming off like a friendly grandfather figure.
I also remember his famous words challenging Mikhail Gorbachev:  “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

I chose to make my main photo of the wall.  Walls represent so much.  They block in and they block out.  This wall had built in all the struggles it represented:  East vs. West, Freedom vs. Tyranny, the U.S. against the U.S.S.R.  What struck me most was the paint ball splatters from the people of West Berlin.  It captured a rage and a beauty all at once as if it was a work of art. 

This was one of those times when the subject does all the work for a photo.  I merely shot from a low angle, getting lots of sky so as to add to the magnitude of my subject. (see top of page)

The image of Ronald Reagan was on the front of the Wall

This shoot gave me pause to reflect on our great country, and the great freedoms we as Americans both enjoy and at times take for granted.  As I looked at that paint on the wall, I could hear the voice of freedom.  Even when that voice is held back, it is still there making itself known.

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